I cannot believe it is the end of March and I am JUST now writing my first blog post of 2019. After having our 2nd baby in October (if you haven’t seen Julianna yet, check out my facebook- she’s ALL over it), I am just now getting my sea legs back and focusing on my photography business. But now, I’m back in the swing of all the things that I love, besides my family of course…and that is my photography. So here you go…Blog Post #1 of 2019…starts today!
Are ready for this handsome boy’s newborn session!? Several things about this session made it so special. I’ve have been photographing their littles since the oldest was a newborn. And I’ve now captured all three as teeny tiny babies. I’ve watched this sweet family grow from a family of 3 to a family of 5. They too have watched my photography business grow and change, and have stuck by my side through it all. As you will see, they were first blessed with girls. Baby 1: Girl. Baby 2: Girl. So when I got the call that Baby 3 was born and HE was a BOY…I squealed! All prepared for pearls and lace, so this time I got to pull out my blues and greens and get to work (or should I say play). Clearly, I just love them…I mean, how could you not?!
Are you interested in booking a newborn photography session with Nicole Christine Photography? I’d love to chat! Please send me a message from my contact page on my site!
I am currently booking newborn sessions through August 2019. Did you know that the best time to book your session is in your 2nd trimester?! Yep, so let’s do this!